Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to all personal information collected by JuxtaText’s website and the JuxtaText application.


I collect anonymous usage data to help make improvements to the website and the application.

I will never sell information about you to anyone else.

I use third-party services to improve the experience of JuxtaText for its users. These services handle some amount of user information. They are mentioned below with links to their privacy policies.

The Website

I collect web server logs with anonymised IP addresses for the purpose of deriving anonymous aggregated statistics about visits to the site ( For example, to determine how many visitors accessed the site on a given day.

I also use Plausible to collect web usage data and derive anonymous aggregated statistics. See their data collection policy.

App Analytics

I collect usage statistics for the JuxtaText app. This includes basic information about the system you are running JuxtaText on such as it’s model and operating system. It also includes information about general actions that you take when using JuxtaText such as when you resolve a merge conflict. This data is collected in two ways:

  • as web server logs with anonymised IP addresses;
  • by using Telemetry Deck.

I share this data with Plausible and Telemetry Deck to derive anonymous aggregated statistics. See Plausible’s data collection policy and Telemetry Decks’s privacy policy.

I do not share user-identifying information with these services.

Crash Reports

I use Sentry to collect crash and error reports. See their security & compliance report and their privacy policy.

I also use Sentry to track major actions that you might have taken in the lead-up to a crash (for example, opening a repository).

I use this data to diagnose and fix functional problems with JuxtaText.

User Feedback

You can report issues, send feedback or request support with regard to JuxtaText via the contact form that can be accessed from the website and within the application. This form initiates a support ticket in Zammad which I use to manage any ongoing conversations with you regarding the ticket. See Zammad’s privacy policy.